Take a Tour of the Massage School, to see is to believe is an old adage that holds true in most cases almost every time.
With the wealth of information that is available to us today via the internet and the telephone.
A lot of research can be done at the comfort of our own home at our own convenience.
But with that said, nothing trumps the first-hand experience.
Specifically, as it applies to this article, we can appreciate the fact that you may have put in hundreds of hours researching massage schools online and by talking to others.
But we urge you to physically visit the school of your choice, or the top few schools of your choice before finalizing your decision.
We hear from so many students that their practical experience in massage school was different than what they had thought.
Basically, reality didn’t meet up to the expectations.
In almost all cases, none of these students took the time and effort to physically visit the school campus and see things first-hand.
When nearing the final decision stage of deciding on which massage therapy school to attend.
We highly recommend you do the following to avoid any potential disappointment down the road:
MIST – Take a Tour of the Massage School
Take a physical tour of the school and get a feel for the environment and atmosphere.
Look at and observe the people around you, the faculty, staff, service employees and the facilities.
Can you imagine yourself fitting in?
Take the time to talk to the massage teachers.
Ask them about their teaching style, the class material, expectations, etc.
Are you comfortable with what you hear?
Talk to students around you.
What do they think, how do they feel and what do they don’t like about the school?
Can you see yourself in their position?
If possible, go sit through a class and visualize yourself as a student.
Do you like what you see?
Can you picture yourself in that seat permanently for the next several hundred hours?
Finally, read the class syllabus and assess whether the classroom material and overall school curriculum meet your needs.
Do you have what you will need to succeed as a massage therapist?
These are all critical questions and the action steps outlined above will help you further solidify or change your decision.
Before acting on any of the above, however, we recommend that you spend time researching the school beforehand utilizing the internet and your personal network.
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