How to Operate a Massage School in Louisiana, the requirements for massage therapy practice.
And also, education is overseen by the Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy.
If you want to start a massage school in Louisiana, your school must provide a minimum of 500 hours of supervised hands-on and classroom instruction.
In addition, your school must license by the Board of Regents and meet the requirements of the Board of Massage Therapy.
Obtaining a License from the Louisiana Board of Regents
An Initial Application for Licensure must receive a minimum of 45 days before the Louisiana Proprietary Schools Advisory Commission meeting at which it will consider.
The commission meets the second Tuesday of every other month.
You can request a licensure packet from the Board of Regents for a cost of $25 per packet.
When you submit your application, it must submit in a 3-ring binder that is tabbed so each section corresponds with one of the 22 requirements on the Proprietary School License Requirements Checklist.
The 22 items include:
- The license application form – a 2-page document providing the school’s name, address, contact person, stockholders, information about programs to provide, and also, staff credentials;
- Notarized commitment statement;
- Copy of documents from Secretary of State’s office validating legal structure and supporting documents, as needed;
- A current, audited balance sheet for the school prepared by a Louisiana Certified Public Accountant;
- List of equipment available for instruction of each course of study;
- Copies of all enrollment contracts or agreements with a minimal cancellation or refund policy approved by the Commission (they provide a sample);
- Copies of all circulars, brochures, certificates or diplomas, and advertising copy for all media;
- Copy of school catalogue (they provide their minimum requirements in the application packet);
- Surety bond for certificate of registration – $10,000 bond required, they provide the form;
- Copy of bill of sale (only if you are buying a school, not starting your own);
- A blanket bond for a solicitor(s) permit purchased by the school for one or more solicitors OR a surety bond for a solicitor permit purchased by the solicitor for him/herself. (A solicitor is a person who recruits students). The amount of the bond is $1,000 for each solicitor;
MIST – How to Operate a Massage School in Louisiana
- A license fee of $2,000;
- A student protection fund fee of $1,000;
- A solicitor fee of $100 for each solicitor;
- A solicitor permit application for each solicitor;
- Affidavit for all school owners/directors and employees (except solicitors) with education, employment history, and references;
- A copy of a detailed course outline and subject description of each program being offered;
- A copy of your fee schedule for all programs offered;
- A narrative description of school’s location – describe how to get there from Baton Rouge;
- Copy of occupancy permit relative to zoning, health and safety;
- An initial license tuition refund affidavit;
- Your business plan.
Once your application is received by the Board of Regents, it will review for completeness.
After it is deemed complete, it can review by the commission.
If approved by the commission, a recommendation is forwarded to the Board of Regents for their final approval.
Louisiana law states that an application for a license will approve or denied within 60 days of receipt by the board.
Licenses are valid for one year.
Upon renewal, you will need to submit updated forms and also, documents, as well as renewal fees for the school license.
And also, solicitors’ licenses, and a contribution to the Student Protection Fund.
License renewal applications must receive 30 days before expiration, or a late fee assess.
Renewal fees will range from $500 to $1000, or more, depending on your gross tuition receipts.
And also, you will have to pay $200 to $2000 into the Student Protection Fund annually, with your rate based on your gross tuition receipts.
Requirements of the Board of Massage Therapy
The Board of Massage Therapy requires that a massage education program be at least hours of supervised instruction.
Of those 500 hours, 325 must be for massage therapy techniques and also, clinical practicum modalities, 125 hours of anatomy and physiology.
And also, the remaining 50 hours of discretionary related coursework such as hydrotherapy, business and ethics, health and also, hygiene, CPR and first aid.
The Board also requires that schools maintain a record of students’ attendance.
And also, that students must attend 90% or more of the class hours in each subject in order to be able to apply for a license.
Furthermore, if you want to open a new massage therapy school in Louisiana and also, how to Operate a Massage School in Louisiana.
So you will need to offer a program with at least 500 hours of supervised instruction that meet all requirements of the Board of Massage Therapy.
In addition, your school will need a license from the Louisiana Board of Regents.
The license application must receive 45 days before the meeting of the Louisiana Proprietary Schools Advisory Commission at which it is to consider.
It will approve or denied within 60 days after receipt of a complete application.
The costs for your initial licensure will be $3100 or more.
The license must renew annually.
Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy
How to Operate a Massage School in Louisiana
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