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Firstly, through Missouri flows one of the largest bodies of water in the United States, known as the Mississippi River.
Due to known for its Algonquian Indian history.
Missouri means “river of big canoes”.
Here, with so much landscape beauty and rivers and also, lakes.
A massage business would flourish.
And also, become a success nearly overnight.
Moreover, wouldn’t you like to join the 4,000 other licensed practitioners here?
That has made a name for themselves.
And also, are earning quite a substantial amount of income?
Begin your journey in Missouri working towards a career that will take you to new heights; a massage therapy career.
Scroll straight to the bottom to see a list of the top massage therapy schools in Missouri.
Brief Summary of the Main Highlights
Therefore, the state of Missouri has set some rules and guidelines for you to follow as an aspiring massage therapist.
In this article, you will find all of the schooling, licensure, renewal.
And also, reciprocity information that you might need to begin your massage therapy career.
So continue reading to find out more about this growing industry specific to the state of Missouri.
Schooling Details and Requirements (Credit Hours)
To begin working towards your massage therapy license in Missouri.
So you must first embark on the educational requirements.
Because in this particular state, you will require having at least 500 hours of supervised instruction at an approved Massage Therapy Program or School.
The breakdown of these hours is as follows:
- 300 hours must be dedicated to massage theory and also, practice techniques.
- 100 hours must be taken in the topics of anatomy and physiology.
- And also, 50 hours must be dedicated to business practices, ethics.
- And hygiene and also, massage law as it applies to the state of Missouri.
- 50 hours must be taken in ancillary therapies.
- Because this will include CPR training and First Aid.
In addition to the educational requirements, and also, you must take.
And also, pass one of the following nationally recognized massage therapy examinations:
- National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCETMB)
- National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage (NCETM)
- Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx)
- Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT) Examination
Licensure Qualifying Programs
So to meet the 500-hour educational requirement.
And also, you will need to seek out an approved massage therapy program in the state of Missouri.
Furthermore, to begin your search, you may consider the following schools.
That have already been approved by the Board:
Metro Business College
2132 Tenbrook Road
Arnold, MO 63010
Phone: 636-296-9300
Email: infoarnold@metrobusinesscollege.edu
Metro Business College
1732 North Kingshighway
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Phone: 573-334-9181
Email: infocape@metrobusinesscollege.edu
Everest College
3420 Rider Trail South
Earth City, MO 63045
Phone: 314-344-4440
St. Louis College of Health Careers
1297 North Highway Drive
Fenton, MO 63026
Phone: 636-529-0000
Metro Business College
1407 Southwest Blvd.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-635-6600
Email: infojeff@metrobusinesscollege.edu
Orler School of Massage Therapy
2329 South Jackson
Joplin, MO 64804
Phone: 417-623-7359
Pinnacle Career Institute
1001 East 101st Terrace #325
Kansas City, MO 64131
Phone: 800-614-0900
WellSpring School of Allied Health
9140 Ward Parkway #100
Kansas City, MO 64114
Phone: 816-523-9140
Midwest Institute
10910 Manchester Road
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Phone: 314-965-8363
A Gathering Place Massage Therapy School
12131 Dorsett Road
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Phone: 314-739-5559
Metro Business College
1202 East Highway 72
Rolla, MO 65401
Phone: 573-364-8464
Email: inforolla@metrobusinesscollege.edu
Vatterott College
3131 Frederick Avenue
St. Joseph, O 64506
Phone: 816-364-5399
Healing Arts Center
2601 South Big Bend Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63143
Phone: 866-647-8080
St. Louis College of Health Careers
909 South Taylor Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Phone: 314-652-0300
Professional Massage Training Center
229 East Commercial St.
Springfield, MO 65803
Phone: 417-863-7682
Elements of Wellness School of Massage
7201 Delmar Blvd. #202
University City, MO 63130
Phone: 314-727-1778
Email: info@eowmassage.com
Licensing/Certification Requirements
Hence to be considered for licensure in the state of Missouri, you must meet and also, submit the following information:
- A completed application sent directly to the Board along with the Initial Licensure Fee of $200.
- Verification that you successfully completed a 500-hour massage therapy program at an approved school.
- So you will need to request that the massage therapy school send your official transcripts with the stamp or seal on the backside of the envelope over the sealed flap.
- And also, a transcript submitted by you as the applicant will not be accepted.
- And also, you must submit a Background Check.
- Proof of taking and passing one of the nationally recognized massage therapy exams.
- Because this verification must be sent directly to the organization to the Board.
- A 2×2 passport size photograph must be submitted along with your application.
Key Agencies/Boards involved and their contact information
So the Missouri Board of Therapeutic Massage is the primary organization.
That has been created to oversee and govern the massage industry specific to the state of Missouri.
So if you would like to speak with a representative.
Please feel free to contact the Board directly at the following information:
Missouri Board of Therapeutic Massage
3605 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 1335
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1335
Phone: 573-522-6277
Fax: 573-751-0735
Email: massagether@pr.mo.gov
Requirements to Start A Massage Business in Missouri (Massage Establishment License)
However, the Board of Therapeutic Massage has specific guidelines for operating as a massage business in the state of Missouri.
Business information has been provided on the Board’s website.
So which you can find by following the link provided here.
To operate a massage therapy business, you must meet the following specified rules and regulations:
- And also, you must agree to only allow trained.
- And also, licensed massage therapists to work in your establishment,
- So you must ensure that no employee practices beyond the scope of licensure or beyond their personal and also, professional expertise,
- Obtain and maintain a copy of the professional liability insurance that is required upon application,
- So you must ensure that all employees.
- And also, massage therapists wear appropriate.
- Clean clothing that meets the hygiene requirements set by the state of Missouri,
- Display in an open area your massage therapy business license.
- And also, massage therapist license with a photograph of each therapist taken within the last 2 years,
- And also, maintain responsibly the records of all clients for at least 3 years,
- Have proof of your business location and also, address on file with the Board,
- Meet all building fire codes and zoning codes as set by the state and local government,
- To provide a safe working environment,
- Maintain clean working materials,
- All furniture used in the massage therapy business must remain clean and also, maintained,
- Because only conduct massage therapy in designated areas within the building,
- No animals should be allowed in the massage therapy treatment areas at any time, with the exception of service animals.
Massage License Renewal Process
To renew your massage therapy license, you will be required to take.
And also, acquire 12 continuing education hours over the course of 2 years.
So you must have taken and completed these continuing education hours prior to the expiration date set for your massage license.
In addition to the continuing education hours.
And also, you must renew your license through the Board.
And also, submit a $200 renewal fees.
Massage License Reciprocity
Because if you are currently licensed as a massage therapist in a state or territory other than Missouri.
And also, would like to move to this state.
Then you may apply for reciprocity.
To do so, you must request that verification of your license or certification submit directly to the Board by each state or territory from which your license was granted.
Ad a result, in the application form, you will find a Verification of Licensure Form.
So which should fill out and return to the Board?
The form should fill out by the state and mailed to the Board directly from the state or territory where your certification or license was held.
So to accompany your application.
And also, you must submit a 2×2 passport size photo of your face and shoulders.
And also, a background check and also, the associated reciprocity fees.
Note: Specific personal information, office addresses, fees, payments etc.
May change over time.
Although we do our best to keep this site up to date.
So please ensure you contact the state board to obtain the most recent information at the time of your application.
Furthermore, here is a list of the top massage therapy schools near you.
And also, we have an arrangement with all of them.
That allows you to request information for FREE.
So please do and take that first step toward a better future.
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Learn how to become a massage school teacher in Missouri here.
Missouri Massage
I have let my license expire almost ten years ago. How can I renew my massage therapy license?
Renewal in most States is simpler than applying for a first time. You will have to provide some evidence of CE completion, along with some reinstatement fees. You also have to show you have a clean record. Have you contacted the Missou State board? If so what did they tell you? Please share with us here.
I am going through this same complication. when I called them I just got the “rude one” who basically told me to down load the application and follow the instructions. My head hurts trying to figure this all out.
Have you tried doing it in writing? Write to them via email and lay out what you have and help them make it easier to map it to their requirements. You can usually do this too in many cases. Most States require a lot of similar things (example: hours of schooling, practical experience, etc), just the quantity varies.
My provisional license expired last month. Is the renewel process the same as renewing your professional license? Answer would be appreciated 🙂
Stephanie, the entire premise of a provisional license is based on you fulfilling certain things required by your state board. if this has expired, you will have to apply for it in the same way you initially did. that said, the board can be rather strict as not obtaining a permanent license within the provisional period shows lack of commitment. what is the reason you weren’t able to fulfill the requirements during the provisional period?
I got pregnant with my first child with severe morning sickness this year and I’m still getting sick. I couldn’t afford the extension and I couldn’t afford to take my test a 3rd time. I was super close my 2nd time and trust me I feel bad enough that I lost my career and job due to morning sickness and I can’t help get things ready for my daughter to get here. I loved my job and what I did for others.
It sounds like you are certainly on the right track going forward. The beauty of this profession is the flexibility it offers. We can only work with the present and the future, and we wish you all the best in your endeavors.
I’m ready to start my career being a massage therapist! I live in Joplin Mo area and any info would be greatly appreciated!!
We suggest using our school search box on the top right side of the website to locate schools that are near you and then request information to be sent to you at home for free. There is no limit to how many schools you can request information from. You can request information easily through the search box as well.
Are there any online schools recognized in this profession by the state. I currently work in a spa and the owner is a mentor in this field.
yes there are. in fact we have written articles on this topic which you can find on our website. that said, the hands on aspect is still required.
Do I have to have a Fed or diploma
This depends on the massage school you apply to. Most require a high school diploma
After starting my family 7 years ago my license expired right before my first son was born. I’ve continued to learn new modalities and I’m ready to renew my license and begin my career by starting my practice. I read that you no longer can renew online, but has anything else changed? I really need to know exactly what I need and how much it will cost to renew my license.
Rachel, the best way is to contact the state board. 7 years is a long time. there may be additional requirements for you to reinstate your license.
I would like to apply for a massage therapist.. but I don’t know the costs and everything required to apply
tons of info on our website including cost. this should help
Is a licensed required to perform chair massage?
Denese, you need a license to practice and charge for a massage if you are marketing yourself as a licensed/certified therapist
In Mo.