Category: Types of Massage Techniques

Reflexology Massage, How it Works, Impacts on Health & What a Session is Like

Reflexology Massage, there is a common perception among people that reflexology is all about foot massages. To the non-experts, this is not surprising. If you observe the way reflexology performed .you may see that it’s pretty similar to a foot

What is Reiki, How it Originated Views of the Medical; Scientific Communities

Reiki Massage Therapy is a common massage therapy practice which is among the courses taught in most massage schools. Yet, there are some who feel that it shouldn’t be considered as a genuine form of massage. This is why it

What is the Rolfing Massage Technique, How it Works & Its Benefits

What is the Rolfing Massage Technique, How it Works & Its Benefits, Rolfing is a widely used massage therapy technique and you may get to learn about it while in massage school? Whether or not you choose to specialize in this

What is the Shiatsu Massage Technique, It’s Origin and Benefits

What is the Shiatsu Massage Technique, It’s Origin and Benefits, the reputation of massage therapy has improved considerably over the years. Previously, it was seen merely as an indulgence. And from a medical standpoint, only the people suffering from pain

What is Thai Massage, How it Works and How You Can Learn It

How it Works and How You Can Learn It, a type of massage therapy that originated in Asia and has gained immense popularity over the past few years? In fact, it is gradually becoming more preferable than many other types of