How to Teach in a Massage School in Virginia, Within the state of Virginia, the board of nursing regulates licensed massage therapists.
Massage Therapy schools, however, are regulated by the state board of education, and the nursing board massage licensing requirements specify that students must complete 500 hours at a school that has been approved by the state board of education.
Educational Requirements for Massage Teachers
There are no formal educational requirements to become a massage instructor in the state of Virginia.
A massage therapists license requires 500 hours of education, which would also expect of a massage instructor.
As well as successful completion of the MBLEX national massage certification exam.
Recommended Experience
There is no specific experience requirement for massage therapy teachers in Virginia.
Most states suggest at least 2 years professional experience in the field before becoming a teacher, and to be competitive in the application process, at least 2 years should expect.
Continuing Education Requirements for Teachers
There are no specific continuing education requirements for massage teachers in Virginia.
However, to maintain a massage license a practitioner must complete at least 24 hours of continuing education every 2 years, with at least 1 hour in professional ethics.
Insurance requirements
Though not required by the state, most practising therapists maintain professional liability insurance through a massage professional organization, such as AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) or ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals).
AMTA’s professional membership explicitly includes insurance for massage professionals working as classroom teachers.
Fees – How to Teach in a Massage School in Virginia
There are no explicit fees for teaching massage therapy.
But professional liability insurance strongly recommended.
Massage professional liability insurance ranges from $199 to $235 dollars annually and is strongly recommended, though not required.
Massage licensure in the state of Virginia costs $140 for the initial application and $95 to renew every 2 years.
Relevant Links
Regulations Governing the Certification of Massage Therapists in Virginia
Hi,im really really really want to know how can i process to open a massage institute.Please help.Im here with all eyes.
Thanks in advance ,
Lien Tran
we have a full article on how to open your own massage business. have you read that?