Becoming a Massage Therapy School Instructor in Wyoming

Becoming a Massage Therapy School Instructor in Wyoming, in 2012, Wyoming introduced House Bill HB0084, The Massage Therapy Practice Act, in an attempt to establish licensing and regulation for the massage profession.

That bill did not pass, and currently, there is no statewide regulation of the massage profession in the state of Wyoming.

Certain counties within the state of Wyoming, such as Laramie County, have established countywide licensing for massage.

This permit applies to both independent practitioners and massage establishments alike and requires health code inspections, adequate restroom facilities and sanitary practices.

But does not specify any specific qualifications for the massage therapist other than they be over 18 and not have a criminal history.

Given that massage as a profession has little to no regulation in the state of Wyoming.

It follows that the requirements for massage therapy school instructors are also minimal or non-existent.

Educational Requirements for Massage Teachers

There are no formal educational requirements to become a massage instructor in the state of Wyoming.

Most massage therapists in professional practice within the state choose to obtain education and experience either through a technical school that has a massage program or through an apprenticeship with an established massage therapist.

Regardless of the educational route, most therapists choose to sit for the MBLEX national massage certification exam, which requires at least 500 hours of instruction.

Students will expect that their massage teachers have also passed this exam.

And also, have received at least a minimum of 500 hours of massage instruction before beginning teaching.

Within the state of Wyoming, there are few options for professional employment as a massage instructor.

There are 2 institutions offering formal massage therapy education in Wyoming.

Sheridan College offers an Associates of Applied Science in Massage Therapy as well as a Massage Therapy Certificate.

The Institute of Business and Medical Careers similarly offers an Associates of Occupational Studies Degree as well as a Diploma Program in Massage Therapy.

To improve your chances of gaining employment as a massage therapy school instructor, it is recommended that you have at least an associates in Massage Therapy from a Wyoming school, or similar education from another state.

Recommended Experience – Becoming a Massage Therapy School Instructor in Wyoming

There is no specific experience requirement for massage therapy teachers in Wyoming.

Similar licensed careers, such as cosmetology, require that teachers have at least 2 years of work experience and complete 1000 hours of “instructor education” above and beyond licensing education.

With that in mind, it seems reasonable to expect massage instructors to have a minimum of 2 years professional experience.

As well as supplemental education beyond a basic certification if possible.

Continuing Education Requirements for Teachers

There are no specific continuing education requirements for massage teachers in Wyoming.

However, most states require at least 12 continuing education credits every 2 years.

And complying with that will keep a massage therapy instructor up to date on current trends in the industry and better prepare a massage therapy school teacher for employment.

Insurance requirements – Becoming a Massage Therapy School Instructor in Wyoming

Though not required by the state, most practising therapists maintain professional liability insurance through a massage professional organization, such as

Though not required by the state, most practising therapists maintain professional liability insurance through a massage professional organization.

Such as AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) or ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals).

AMTA’s professional membership explicitly includes insurance for massage professionals working as classroom teachers.


There are no explicit fees for teaching massage therapy, but professional liability insurance strongly recommended.

Massage professional liability insurance ranges from $199 to $235 dollars annually and strongly recommended, though not required.

Relevant Links

Laramie County Massage Rules and Regulations

Laramie County Massage Permit Renewal Application

Becoming a Massage Therapy School Instructor in Wyoming

Laramie County Massage Establishment Permit

Neal Lyons is a founding member and volunteer contributor at the MTSI Institute, an information based portal dedicated to guiding and assisting aspiring massage therapists establish a successful career in massage. Neal is a published author and has collaborated on several mobile applications that serve the massage profession. You can view his published work on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Sony and Kobo. You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and on Google+

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