Becoming a Massage Teacher in Maryland

The state of Maryland requires that massage therapists be licensed to practice.

A massage license requires 600 hours of education plus an additional 60 college credit hours in any subject or major.

Applicants must also pass a Maryland jurisprudence examination and a criminal background check.

To teach massage therapy, there are no formal state-based requirements.

Educational Requirements for Massage Instructors

Massage instructors teaching massage technique or theory courses required to have a massage license.

So which requires 600 hours of massage education, a background check and passing a jurisprudence exam.

The 600 hours of education at an approved New Jersey massage school must include:

  • Massage Theory and Practice
  • Hands-on Clinical Practice
  • Anatomy and also, Physiology
  • Kinesiology
  • Pathology
  • Business Practices, Law and also, Ethics

Recommended Experience

There are no explicit requirements beyond a license for massage therapy teachers.

Most states require at least 2 years of experience in the field before teaching massage therapy, and also, applicants for massage therapy teaching positions should expect that hiring institutions would prefer at least 2 years experience to consider a candidate.

Continuing Education Requirements for Teachers

Continuing education requirements not specifically spelt out for instructors, but massage licensure requires a minimum of 24 hours of continuing education every two years.

Insurance Requirements – Maryland

The state of Maryland does not explicitly require its practitioners or teachers to carry professional liability insurance.

So given that insurance costs relatively low, and risk can be potentially high, it is a good idea to carry insurance even though it not required.

Liability insurance is available through a massage professional organization, such as AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) or ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals).

AMTA’s professional membership explicitly includes insurance for massage professionals working as classroom teachers.


There are no specific fees associated with becoming a massage therapy school instructor, other than the license fee to practice massage in Maryland if a teacher is teaching massage theory.

An initial 2-year license costs $250 which includes a $150 application fee and a $100 jurisprudence exam fee.

After that, licenses must renew every 2 years at a cost of $286, plus the cost of at least 24 hours of continuing education.

Relevant Links

Maryland Massage Therapy State Board Homepage

Maryland Application Packet For Massage Therapy License

Becoming a Massage Teacher in Maryland

Maryland Massage Therapy License Renewal Instructions


Neal Lyons is a founding member and volunteer contributor at the MTSI Institute, an information based portal dedicated to guiding and assisting aspiring massage therapists establish a successful career in massage. Neal is a published author and has collaborated on several mobile applications that serve the massage profession. You can view his published work on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Sony and Kobo. You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and on Google+

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