The state of Kansas introduced house bill 2187 to regulate and license massage therapists practising within the state in 2013.
The bill did not pass, and as of 2016, there is no licensure or regulation of massage therapists or massage therapy instructors within the state.
Given that there are no requirements to practice massage, massage education in Kansas is similarly, without regulation.
Regardless of the venue, to teach massage in Kansas, an instructor will need to have credible experience and education to convince students of the value they offer.
Educational Requirements for Massage Teachers
There are no formal educational requirements to become a massage instructor in the state of Kansas.
Most therapists choose to attend a program that requires at least 500 hours of education.
As well as pursue certification through the MBLEX national massage certification exam.
Students will expect that instructors have at least this level of training, and ideally, some form of specialized education in a particular massage speciality to qualify them to teach beyond the basics.
Recommended Experience
There is no specific experience requirement for massage therapy teachers in Kansas.
Most states suggest at least 2 years professional experience in the field before becoming a teacher.
And to be competitive in the application process, at least 2 years should be expected.
Continuing Education Requirements for Teachers
There are no specific continuing education requirements for massage teachers in Kansas.
Other states require between 12 and 24 hours every two years, and this should consider a recommended minimum for a massage teacher to stay current in the field.
Insurance requirements
Though not required by the state, most practising therapists maintain professional liability insurance through a massage professional organization, such as AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) or ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals).
AMTA’s professional membership explicitly includes insurance for massage professionals working as classroom teachers.
There are no explicit fees for teaching massage therapy, but professional liability insurance is strongly recommended.
Massage professional liability insurance ranges from $199 to $235 dollars annually and strongly recommended, though not required.
Relevant Links
Failed House Bill 2187 to Regulate Massage Therapy
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