The Extra Things You Can Do in Your Career as a Massage Therapist

The Extra Things You Can Do in Your Career as a Massage Therapist, we have written a great deal about the freedom and flexibility a massage career can offer.

And in this article, we want to further expand on yet additional options this career can open up for you while you are practising massage.

In your spare time or long after you are done if you decide to make a permanent switch in careers.

While this list is not by any means comprehensive.

It provides a handful of considerations to contemplate now or later in your career.

Recreational massage courses: You can offer recreational courses or join a company that offers one.

Recreational massage courses are for individuals and couples who want to learn how to give a good massage.

But don’t necessarily want to become professional practitioners or licensed therapists.

These courses are very common and popular in local communities.

They are normally 1 to 2 hours in duration and light-hearted in nature.

Getting involved in teaching recreational massages can also lead to healthy social interactions and friendships.

Side gig: In addition to being employed, you can start your own business on the side.

You can offer massages from your home, by going to patients’ homes or even renting out an office space where you can practice on your own time.

Mobile massages are also becoming more popular yet another option to consider.

Any of these can add a little bit of extra money in your bank account.

MIST – The Extra Things You Can Do in Your Career as a Massage Therapist

Teaching: You can take your career to the next level by becoming a massage instructor.

Many therapists who burn out from practising massage often pursue this route because they enjoy the industry and want to stay in it.

It also helps that you already have a strong knowledge base rather than starting completely from scratch.

This is a particularly good option for therapists who can no longer practice due to a physical condition that restricts them from providing massage therapy.

Board membership: You can involve in an organization within the massage industry.

There are many advocacies and special purpose groups that you can involve in and pursue many opportunities within both on a voluntary and paid basis.

Years of service in these organizations qualify you to pursue higher positions over time.

Some board members of larger organizations earn a surprisingly large amount of salary.

Volunteer opportunities: The massage skill set can utilize in many volunteer opportunities outside of work.

A common example of this is massage therapists giving back to their communities by volunteering in retirement homes and hospices.

This is an opportunity to feed your soul and do greater good for the society.

Career coaching:  This is essentially what we are doing.

As professionals with years of experience, we are taking our time and giving back to the massage community.

You can do the same in your community on a one on one basis, in smaller group sessions or even on a broader scale with mass audiences.

A successful career in massage therapy is not only lucrative from a financial perspective.

But it also offers a lot of freedom, flexibility and choice of activities you can engage in for both personal and professional satisfaction.


The Extra Things You Can Do in Your Career as a Massage Therapist

Neal Lyons is a founding member and volunteer contributor at the MTSI Institute, an information based portal dedicated to guiding and assisting aspiring massage therapists establish a successful career in massage. Neal is a published author and has collaborated on several mobile applications that serve the massage profession. You can view his published work on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Sony and Kobo. You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and on Google+

2 comments on “The Extra Things You Can Do in Your Career as a Massage Therapist
  1. Marie Kimpel says:

    How do you become a board member as they mentioned. I do not know where to start. I am a full time therapist at a salon but looking for more to add or be involved in for a bit more salary but to be able to work as I am.

    • Neal Lyons says:

      Marie, board members typically require years of experience and some type of specialization or association with an organization/institution that is desirable to organizations who are looking for board members. The best way to go about finding positions is networking (LinkedIn, conferences, associations, etc).

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