Category: Interviews with Professionals

Author, massage instructor & NCBTMB Approved Provider of Continuing Education: CEO of the Ariana Institute for Wellness Education Ariana Vincent

Tell us why you chose to go into massage and at what point in your life did you decide to do so? What were you doing at the time? Where did you first hear about the massage career? What factors

Thoughts from the Regional Director of Recruitment for Massage Envy: Ronald Maslovsky

I am a licensed massage therapist with 25 years of business development background selling to Fortune 500 Companies and Big Box Retailers. Presently, I am the Regional Director of Recruitment for Massage Envy – Chicagoland Region. I represent 44 Massage

Highly Educated JoAnn Lewis Says “Massage is the Primary Traditional Healthcare in the World; Past, Present and Future

1. Tell us a bit more about you and your practice as it is today? i.e. are you a solo practitioner or a business owner? If solo, what kind of an establishment do you work for, how large is it,

From Modern back to Traditional Medicine Massage: César Tejedor & Camilla Ilves Make a Perfect Tag Team

                1. Tell us a bit more about you and your practice as it is today? i.e. are you a solo practitioner or a business owner? If solo, what kind of an establishment

Deep Tissue & Prenatal Massage Specialist Freda Johnson Previously Worked in the Restaurant and Insurance Industries

1. Tell us a bit more about you and your practice as it is today? i.e. are you a solo practitioner or a business owner? If solo, what kind of an establishment do you work for, how large is it, what