Opening a Massage School in Mississippi, the requirements for massage therapy practice and also, education is overseen by the Mississippi Board of Massage Therapy.
And also, if you want to open a massage therapy school in Mississippi.
So it must be licensed as a massage school by the Board.
Requirements for Mississippi Massage Schools
The Mississippi Board has a number of requirements that your massage school must meet prior to and during your licensure.
- Each instructor must license as a massage instructor by the board.
- Instructors must also be licensed massage therapists, unless they are teaching CPR, First Aid, HIV/AIDS training, Law, Business, Pathology, Anatomy, Physiology, or Kinesiology.
- Instructors of Massage Therapy Technique and Practice (Category M) must be graduates of a qualified massage school, licensed massage therapists in good standing with the Mississippi Board, have lawfully practiced massage for three years, have completed a Board-approved course of at least 20 hours in teaching skills for adult education, and must have practical experience teaching adults.
- Business and Marketing instructors (Category B) who are massage therapists must meet the requirements of Category M and show that they have been the owner or operator of a massage therapy business.
- Non-massage therapists must have at least a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in business, marketing or an equivalent major.
- Instructors teaching Laws, Rules, Regulations and Ethics (Category L) must either be a massage therapist meeting the requirements of Category M or licensed to practice law in the state of Mississippi and in good standing with the Mississippi State Bar Association.
- Instructors teaching Hydrotherapy, Hygiene, Safety, and/or Sanitary Practices (Category H) must license massage therapist meeting the requirements for Category M, have specialized training in a related area, or have a bachelor’s degree in nursing or a substantially equivalent field.
Refund Policy – Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
- Instructors teaching CPR, First Aid, and HIV/AIDS training (Category C) must be certified as an instructor by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.
- Instructors teaching science-related lectures such as Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Kinesiology and infectious disease awareness (Category A) must be a massage therapist meeting the requirements of Category M and having a bachelor’s degree in pathology, kinesiology, anatomy, physiology, sports medicine, nursing, exercise physiology, biology, or a substantially equivalent major. Alternatively, a Category A instructor must have accumulated a minimum of 270 hours of discrete science courses related to the human body. The courses can be taken either at a licensed massage school or an accredited college or university.
- Refund Policy: Your school must take and keep attendance records.
- So you must have a refund policy that meets the requirements of the board with regard to how much you may keep of the fees after each of the first few weeks of each quarter.
- Disclosure of Information to Students: Before enrollment, your school will have to provide prospective students with information on your:
- Recruitment policies
- Admission requirements
- Academic calendars
- Grading system
- Graduation policy
- Program length
- Objective of your program of study
- Licensing requirements for jobs
- Student support services
- Campus security policies
- Refund policy
- Withdrawal procedures
- Tuition and fees (what is and is not included)
- Completion rate for previous students
- Job placement rates for previous students
- The percentage of student mastery of stated program goals
- A list of post-secondary schools that have accepted credits from your school
- Complaint policy to resolve issues between students and staff
Admission – Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
- Admission requirements
- Must be printed, publicly stated, available to prospective students, conform with school mission and administer as written.
- Your school must maintain records for each student showing admission requirements.
- Students must
- be at least 18 years old on the date of enrollment
- have a high school degree or equivalent
- be of legal status to obtain a license and also, work legally in Mississippi
- meet good moral character and competency requirements in Mississippi law
- Your school must conduct an orientation session for people who have applied or are considering applying.
- The session must include
- an overview of the educational curriculum and also, objectives
- academic and physical requirements of the program
- existing employment opportunities in the field
- time and financial requirements of the program
- state requirements for licensure
- Your school must conduct pre-enrollment interviews.
- In these interviews, you should discuss
- criminal record related to misdemeanours or felonies
- a determination of the potential student’s cognitive, motor and also, behavioural skills
- moral character necessary for admission into the profession and also, completion of the program
- You will have to keep a record of the documentation provided for proof that the person meets the admission requirements (such as high school diploma copy, etc)
- If you deny admission to a prospective student, you must keep a copy of the reasons for denial for at least three years.
Advertising Requirement – Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
- You must meet certain requirements for advertising:
- It must be factual
- You must include your school license number on all advertising
- Advertising for student clinicians must include the words “student massage”
- Your school must keep the following records:
- Student attendance
- Administrators
- Instructors
- Staff
- Student activities
- Student academic records
- Enrollment of student
- Student admission
- Student enrollment contracts
- Financial aid
- Job placement
- Program of study and individual courses
- Graduation information
- Supplies and equipment
- Library or instructional resource center
- Physical facility
- Student withdrawals
- Student refund policy
- And also, student financial records (tuition, fees, payments, refunds, etc.)
- Student complaints
- You must keep student transcripts with student accomplishment in terms of class hours.
- Transcripts must explain grading policy.
- You must have a list of all students who enroll and also, the list must be available for the board to inspect.
- It must include:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone number
- Social security number
- Program of study
- Start date
- Anticipated graduation date
- Your records must protect from theft, fire and other losses.
- If you close your school, you must notify the board of where the records are and how students can obtain copies.
- Your diploma or certificate must conform to Mississippi state law
MIST – Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
- Your instructional equipment and resources must be adequate to meet the needs of your school’s educational program.
- Inspection may be done to ensure this.
- Your facility must be conducive to learning, and meet fire and other safety requirements.
- Lecture classrooms must be at least 600 square feet or 20 square feet per student, whichever is greater, and also, have to be appropriately furnished with desks and instructional equipment such as chalk boards or audiovisual equipment.
- The minimum size of a classroom for hands-on activities is 600 square feet.
- You need at least one massage table per three students enrolled.
- There needs to be at least 3 feet of spacing around each massage table.
- Lectures may have no more than 20 students per instructor.
- Laboratory/practical classes may have no more than 15 students per instructor.
Curriculum – Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
- Your curriculum must be sufficient for students to develop the skills needed to become licensed massage therapists. Specifically:
- There must be 600 hours of supervised classroom instruction including:
- 200 hours of massage theory and practicum of which
- A minimum of 10 hours are spent on laws, rules and ethics;
- A minimum of 20 hours are spent on history, benefits, and also, indications/contraindications;
- And also minimum of 100 hours are spent on demonstrations and also, supervised practice;
- The remaining 70 hour may expand on the above or address additional topics.
- 200 hours of science of the human body including:
- A minimum of 20 hours of anatomy;
- A minimum of 20 hours of physiology;
- And also, a minimum of 20 hours of myology/kinesiology;
- A minimum of 20 hours of neurology;
- A minimum of 20 hours of pathology and also, medical terminology;
- The remaining 100 hours may expand on the above or address additional topics.
- 200 hours of allied modalities including:
- 7 hours of Eastern, Western, and European theory;
- 8 hours of CPR and first aid;
- 10 hours on documentation and also, charting;
- 25 hours of hydrotherapy and also, infrared heat;
- 20 hours in referral methods;
- The remaining 130 hours may expand on the above or address additional topics.
- There must be 100 hours of clinical study.
- Each student must perform a minimum of 50 1-hour hands-on massage therapy sessions that are documented.
- 200 hours of massage theory and practicum of which
- There must be 600 hours of supervised classroom instruction including:
Obtaining a Massage School License
To apply for a massage school license in Mississippi.
So you must contact the board via their website or email for further instructions.
You can download the application form from the website.
Having an application packet sent to you in the mail will cost $25.
Once you have completed the application, you must mail it in with a $500 application fee.
As well as, a surety bond for $50,000 or a cash equivalent of $50,000.
You must also provide proof of school professional liability insurance.
The application will ask you to provide detailed evidence that you meet the Mississippi requirements listed above.
And also, it requires that you provide evidence of financial solvency.
After receipt of the application, your school will inspect to determine the suitability of the location, rooms and equipment.
In addition they will verify your building meets fire and building codes, and that you have properly licensed instructors.
Mississippi Massage Board
Following the inspection, a recommendation will make to the board.
Your license will either grant or denied within 60 days.
The Mississippi massage board rules require that any massage school operating in Mississippi be accredited by the Commission On Massage Therapy Accreditation or equivalent accrediting program within 5 years of being licensed.
So you must show proof that you have applied within 2 years of being licensed.
Temporary licenses are issued for a one-year period.
And also, you will have a Temporary license for the first two graduating classes, during which you must notify prospective students of your temporary status.
If there are any problems during this time, your license will revert to a probationary license.
After the first two graduating classes you will issue a conditional license if you have had any significant violations or if your students pass rate is too low.
If you have no problems, you will issue a 2-year non-conditional license.
The renewal fee for a school license is $500.
Becuase if not received by the June 15 preceding your October expiration.
So there is a $500 delinquent fee added on.
Becoming an Accredited School
Accreditation is an outside review of your school and also, programs by a panel of massage therapy professionals.
The COMTA accreditation is recognized by the US Department of Education.
Prior to applying for COMTA accreditation, a school must legally organize and also, approved by the state.
In addition, COMTA requires that your school also have at least 5 students enrolled, offer instruction on the post-secondary level, and also, require completion of at least 600 hours of education to obtain a certificate.
The benefits of accreditation are that your school has been certified to meet certain minimum standards in preparing students for licensure as professional massage therapists.
And also, it allows your school to accept federal student financial aid funds, allowing more students to be able to afford the program.
Review by COMTA requires a minimum of $7775 fees.
It includes an application, online course, self-study report, on-site visit, findings report and response, as well as deliberation and decision.
Summary – Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
If you want to open a new massage therapy school in Mississippi and opening a Massage School in Mississippi.
So you must have it approved by the Mississippi Board of Massage Therapy.
Because the board requires that programs be 700 hour long, including 600 hours of supervised instruction and 100 hours of clinical work.
However, programs must meet the requirements listed in the Laws and Rules for Massage Therapy in Mississippi.
The license is temporary until you have had two graduating classes.
And also, you must pursue accreditation for your school within the first two years and also, have your school accredited within five years of opening.
So the fees for opening the school will include a $25 fee to obtain the application and also, a $500 non-refundable application fee.
Renewal fees are $500.
Obtaining COMTA accreditation (within 5 years) will add a significant cost.
Links – Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
Mississippi Board of Massage Therapy
Opening a Massage School in Mississippi
Massage Therapy School License Application
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