I am a business owner. I am also the sole practitioner of Body Kinetics massage. I specialize mainly in medical massage, and recovery. My clients range from students in athletics, to retiree’s. They are here for specific pain management and injury recovery.
I offer most major modalities including Sports massage, Thai massage, Hot & cold therapy, Kinesio Tape, Deep tissue, Reflexology, and many more! I accept Auto insurance and also currently work with Workers compensation as well. I commute to work from Rice, MN. I have lived there one year and love it! My commute is short, only 20 min to my office in Downtown St. Cloud.
In my life I enjoyed the positions that I had held for employment, but I never felt like they were my calling. I felt discontent in the atmosphere of my jobs. My family was a large part in my decision to return to school. I wanted to have the flexibility to be able to attend school functions for my children as well as make a living.
A massage career offered that option to me. I first thought of it as a realistic option when I received an advertisement from the Minnesota School of business for massage therapy. I have had previous health care experience, and liked the idea of “running my own show”.
Concerns for returning back to school, to a career that is competitive included; financial goals as well as limitations, student aid, at home support, and career placement. Class requirements, and content were also of great importance. I didn’t want to waste time and money on “filler” information. I looked into the learning environment as well. It had to suite and accommodate my lifestyle. I am not a traditional student. I had a full time job, and family. My goal was to graduate, and ultimately open a business immediately after graduation.
My specialty is medical massage, and being AMAZING! My success is contributed to gratitude for my clients, abundance of happiness, continuous learning, and the never ending search to better myself and in turn better my business.
My specialty is comforting. Knowing there is a place to continue therapy even after my clients insurance has been exhausted. I am often a friendly face that my clients are happy to see, and even happier after they see the results I achieve for them. I spend more time with my clients than most of the other practioners they utilize. I am able to build rapport and trust during that time.
I am in love with what I do. An unfortunate thing in my business is that there are other therapists who don’t have passion for what they do. It reflects poorly on therapists who take what they do seriously. I don’t care for the stereotype of being a “back rubber” or masseuse. It downplays my education and passion for this business. I also hate paperwork. It is often my nemesis.
Three things I would change about the industry would include an educational standard for practices, massage have a union, and also, all states to have a standard license requirement. I believe as massage becomes more mainstream, these will help keep wages from plummeting too low, to keep “happy ending” massage places from taking business from legitimate therapists and an educational standard would keep massage therapy growing and staying an alternative medicine.
I plan to practice and grow as long as my body allows. I am completely happy with my practice and hope to grow for many years. When I can no longer practice, I would love to share my knowledge and experience with other therapists. Perhaps in my own school, or business.
I work full time in my office. I am chairperson and CEO. I am head of cleaning and secretarial. I manage all transactions and advertisements.
I would always advise that owning a business is marriage. Always look into taxes, and city regulations. I’ve been burned by taxes and tax penalties. Fees are not fun. If you approach the business like a passionate love, willing to work, take criticisms, and learn what you can, it will be successful. It just won’t fall into your lap and work.
When choosing schools, look at why you are there. What do you want to accomplish. If the curriculum isn’t following your plans, keep looking. Look into payment options, location, and the type of student they cater to. Always do your research. It’s your career. Not just another job. Help your transition go smoothly by doing the research.
Keep looking. Scholarships, grants and even loans are catered towards going back to school. Keep looking and working. It doesn’t have to happen all at once. Persistence will help you accomplish your goals of going to school.
My advice to aspiring therapists:
- Love what you do. Massage therapy has survived the current recession. You’re needed.
- Be open to everything, everyone, and every situation. You never know where this career will take you, or what that person has been through.
- Laugh a lot, and know that it’s not personal.
Consider why you’re choosing massage therapy. Do your research. Consider options for success, and failure. Where you want to be a massage therapist is just as important as why you want to be a massage therapist. Most of all, follow your instincts.
My passions outside of massage therapy include family time, my dogs, riding motorcycle, gardening and wine tasting. Leaving my passion for massage therapy at my office, allows me to be Jill at home. My kids and pets allow me to laugh and relax. They are a full time handful! Gardening and wine tasting take my mind off work and keep my hands busy. I enjoy learning about growing vegetables and flowers, and they provide a beautiful landscape.
Jill Herchenhahn CMT, CIMT, sole practitioner of BODY KINETICS massage therapy can be reached at www.body-kinetics.weebly.com. 25 7th Avenue South St. Cloud, MN 56301. (320) 267-1803
Hi I completed a massage training circa 1980 at the California school of Massage on VanNess ave in San Francisco which no longer exists. My certificate burned in a recent fire and so did my shop. I was hoping to rekindle certification and pick up on doing massage again. Is there a way to retrieve that certificate? It was for 500 hrs I believe which was the amount of time required for a license at that time.
the only way to do that would be to track the previous owners/managers of the institution and see what they have available. or you can discuss this with another school and determine whether they would be willing to enroll you based on your retained knowledge