1. Tell us a bit more about you and your practice as it is today? i.e. are you a solo practitioner or a business owner? If solo, what kind of an establishment do you work for, how large is it, what is the clientele like, what is the specialty offered? If it is a business that you own, kindly include the same time of relevant information that will give the reader a good idea about your establishment/practice. Please also include where you live and work?
1A- I have owned my own practice for 17 years. I provide a unique form of energetic bodywork which I created after many years of studying many diverse healing modalities. My energy healing program, Clearing Held Memories, is also approved for continuing education by the NCBTMB. I teach classes in person and also via live, interactive, internet classes.
1B- The clientele that I help are dealing with a wide range of life’s issues including cancer, physical disabilities and emotional challenges. I also volunteer at the local hospital at the cancer energy support group.
1C- I live and have a business office located in Leesburg, VA. 20176
2. Tell us why you chose to go into massage and at what point in your life did you decide to do so? What were you doing at the time? Where did you first hear about the massage career? What factors influenced your decision? What were you looking to get out of this decision?
2A- I decided to go into energy healing after a number of years of personal illness which traditional medicine said was all in my head, that I was just getting older and offered me pills.
2B- I have experience a wide variety of massage therapies and felt my body really responded to the energy healing work I received. I took the level 1 Reiki class because I was told I could begin working on myself. I was a construction manager at the time and wanted to get my energy back so I could to a better job with that vocation.
After taking the first class I was fascinated with energy work and began studying many forms of energy healing. I then went into practice part time but quickly left construction and have been providing and teaching energy healing ever since.
3. What were some of your questions and concerns before further pursuing your massage therapy goals? Talk about concerns with school and the profession itself.
3A- I was so happy to be doing healing work that I felt it was the way I wanted to be of service to the world.
3B- The concerns I have about the energy healing profession is that it has not received the re connection it deserves from other healing modalities. I understand that currently anyone who takes one or two weekend classes can call themselves energy healers but unfortunately they have only begun to truly understand the beauty of true energy healing.
3C- I hope I can gain support and be part of a team that will help establish a certifiable program where graduates can become national certified energy healers. I am hopeful my three 40 CE Hour courses can be incorporated into this type of national approved training.
4. What is your specialty and what are the top three contributing factors to your success today?
4A- My specialty is a unique form of energetic bodywork that I created. The contributing factors to my success are: I get results with my work where people can see major changes in their lives; I am very versed in integrative healing and share my knowledge with my clients and students; My focus is on the betterment of my clients and student lives not the money I could make.
5. What do you like about your specialty? What do you like about what you do in general as a career? Why?
5A- My specialty is very unique and I get to play with energy every day which means I get to continually learn something new all the time.
5B- The main things I like about my practice is I get to help people in their healing journey and share my knowledge with my students.
6. What do you not like about what you do? Why?
6A- Not enough time to do more.
7. If there were three things you could change about your work or the industry as a whole what would they be? Why would you change them? What would you change them to?
7A- As I stated in 3C above I would like to see a nationally approved training program for energy healers where graduates can become nationally certified and receive the same recognition as certified massage therapist do today.
8. How long do you plan to practice and what do you plan to do after?
8A-I love what I do and plan to practice and teach as long as I am able. It is not work or a job but a joy to help others.
9. Do you currently have another job or business whether full time or part time? Tell us a bit more about it and how you are able to juggle that with your massage career?
9A- My other interest are showing my dogs, enjoying vacations with my wife and working on my new energy healing book.
10. What are some mistakes you made in your career pursuit that you’d like to warn other students about so they can learn from your experience and avoid it?
10A- I have been very blessed in my career so do not feel I made any mistakes that I could warn others about. If there is a mistake I would suggest to others is only get into this field because you want to help others not money.
11. What would you advice someone who is looking at massage therapy schools? What do you recommend they look for and how? How do you recommend they determine whether the school is the right one for them?
11A- Since energy medicine is not currently taught at massage schools as a defined discipline I took my training from a very wide source of training that I could find. If I could offer any suggestions it would be go to the school and talk to students and teachers and see if you feel it is the right fit for you.
12. What do you recommend for someone who wants to go to massage school but cannot afford it?
12A- If massage is the right choice for your career then find a way to pay for it whether by working part time, loan or working full time and saving up. You may also find a school that has programs for part time students. Additional you may be able to take some online classes to get started (be sure to check with you chosen school be sure they will accept the classes for your final graduation credit).
13. What are your three biggest points of advice for an aspiring massage therapist today? What should they do/not do? What should they think about and consider?
13A- Become a massage therapist because you are really drawn to helping others. Be sure you always take time for your own healing.
And from my view point learn about true energy healing and begin adding it to your modalities.
14. Any open thoughts / comments – anything else that you’d like to share about yourself, the massage industry, profession, future, etc? If nothing, make one prediction for the future of massage?
14A- In my connections with the emerging field of integrative medicine I feel that preventive care, including healing massage and energy healing, will become much more in demand. If you join this profession be good at what you do and you will receive a good living in return.
15. What is your passion outside of massage? What are your hobbies and interests which you pursue when you are not working? Tell us why you enjoy what you enjoy.
15A- See 9A above.
Bruce Winkle is DEM, BCIH, NCBTMB, RMT, HTP, Energy Healer, Teacher, Author, Diplomate College of Energy Medicine with the American Association of Integrative Medicine, Board Certified Integrative Health with the American Association of Integrative Medicine, Approved Provider for continuing education by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, Reiki Master/Teacher and Healing Touch Practitioner. He can be reached at his website here.
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